


26.09. | 15:00-15:45


„Giving birth to fresh – the first Black Austrian Lifestyle Magazine“



Long time ago News concerning Black people from Africa and the Diaspora in Austrian Mainstream Media were reduced to depict us as victims of perpetrators. It means Black people are still in need of help and support and they are not master of their own destiny.
fresh is the youngest Black Media in Austria and the first claiming the status of Lifestyle Magazine. What are the reasons behind the magazine? What are the goals to be reached in a country with less than five percent of the population being Black or from the African Diaspora?

Fotocredit © Magdalena Possert

Simon INOU (AT) is a jour­na­list. He stu­died Socio­logy in Cameroon and Jour­na­lism at the Uni­ver­sity of Vienna, in Aus­tria. From 1992 to 1995 he was co-foun­der and edi­tor of “Le Mes­sa­ger des Jeu­nes”, Cameroon´s first youth news­pa­per. Bet­ween 1999 and 2005 he was Chief Edi­tor of Radio Afrika Inter­na­tio­nal and of “Infor­ma­ti­on ­por­tal Afri­ka­net”. Later Mr. INOU became the pro­ject direc­tor of BLACK­AUS­TRIA (blackaustria. at) and conceived the sucessful cam­paign against pre­ju­dice towards black people living in Aus­tria. BLACK­AUS­TRIA was also intro­du­ced in Ger­many, Swit­z­er­land and the USA. He has initia­ted nume­rous Public Awa­re­nes Cam­paign against Anti-Black Racism and Dis­cri­mi­na­tion in Aus­tria such as Mein Julius (www. meinjulius. at) and NoMohr. A redesign of a new Logo criticizing the racist Logo of the Austrian Brewery Mohren Bräu.. Mr. INOU is currently the CEO of M-MEDIA the Diver­sity Media­watch Aus­tria, an institution aimed at pro­mo­ting inter­cul­tu­ra­lity in Aus­trian Main­stream Media and publisher of fresh, the black austrian lifestyle Magazine,


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