Please download our press release in English or German language from the download links below.
For further inquiries please contact festival director Sandra Krampelhuber.
Contact: sandra[at]


Press Release 2014


→ Presseaussendung_AFROPEA NOW!_DE

 Press Release_AFROPEA NOW!_EN



Downloads 2014


→ A2 Poster 
→ Program Booklet
→ Postcard Afropea Now!



Press & Media Reviews 2014


→ Africa is a Country:

„The Afropeans are coming“ 

→ Der Standard:

„Auf der Suche nach Afropea“ von Wiltrud Hackl

→ OÖ Nachrichten Online:

„Linzer Festival zeigt, was Afrika kann“ von Astrid Benzer

→ Radio Fro:

Belinda Kazeem „Naming what was once unnameable“

Afropea Now! Syposium Day 2





  • Opening Night

    25.09. | 19:30 – 01:00 An informal opening night will take place at Stadtwerkstatt, where we invite our guests to explore the photo exhibition „Be Yourself – Stay Black and Beautiful“ and the Time’s Up project „ToR – Tales of Resilience“. Highlight of the evening: the screening of the internationally celebrated documentary film „The Stuart Hall…

  • Teddy Goitom

    26.09. | 18:15-19:15 TEDDY GOITOM „Afripedia – Welcome to Creativity!“ Stocktown Films presents AFRIPEDIA: The African future is happening now. Standing on the cusp of a historical shift brought on by new technology  and global interconnectedness – the African creative movement is starting to take on the world. Afripedia is a new 5-part short series…

  • DJ Hooray

    25.09. | 22:00 DJ Hooray (Austria) Rainer Horner aka DJ Hooray had his first contact with Hip Hop in the mid-90s and from this moment on he was not only fascinated by the music but by the whole Hip Hop culture. Well known for his mixtapes, his record collection grew bigger and bigger, adding genres…

Kulturvereinigung Friedhofstraße 6
Kirchengasse 4, 4040 Linz/Urfahr

Tel: +43 732/731209-215
Fax: +43 732/711846

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