INTERNATIONALES FESTIVAL 20.5.2010 - 22.5.2010
Digital Media: The Future of Rural Communities in Uganda (Sprache: Englisch)Africa, particularly Uganda cannot oppose the rise of technology, and the investment in digital media from various media intuitions needs to be considered. Citizen journalists have become central to exposing the ‘underdevelopment’ in many countries; often giving a voice to rural communities that would otherwise not be heard. Digital media fills a media void on issues in rural communities that, as mainstream media may be unable to owing to censorship. Often, the main stream media agenda is very narrow so a range of stories and issues do not get attention. The lecture presentation will mainly focus on the social aspect of the digital citizen, how specific technologies are being implemented in rural areas of Uganda and how web2.0 tools are relevant in bridging the digital divide between rural and urban communities.Maureen AgenaMaureen Agena ist Journalistin, New Media Enthusiastin und Ausbilderin. Sie arbeitet als Öffentlichkeitsreferentin für das Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET), eine Nicht-Regierungsorganisation, deren Mission es ist den Einsatz von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (ICTs) von Frauen und Frauenorganisationen in Uganda zu promoten und zu unterstützen. Maureen Agena hat einen Bachelor Abschluss in Informationstechnologie und arbeitet gerade an ihrem Master of Science. Ihre Leidenschaft für Neue Medien und Community Development ermöglichten ihr ein Internship für das ITC Programm am niederländischen Technical Centre of Agriculture and rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA).