INTERNATIONALES FESTIVAL 20.5.2010 - 22.5.2010
Carrier Grade Networks for Developing Countries Net4DC (Sprache: Englisch)The environmental, political, socio-economic and technological requirements of rural regions of the world are drastically different than urban areas and need dedicated research. The available technology neither fits to those areas nor enables a profitable business model. The consequence is either a huge isolated population or relief workers trying to finance temporary network deployments, which are completely dependent on donations. This, however, has social, economic and political consequences for all the countries. The role of research institutes and R&D departments is clear: to assist and pave the way to investors by enabling an easier and profitable participation in this new and growing market; gaining the required know-how in different research areas, developing rural-suited communication solutions, bringing interdisciplinary expertise together and harmonizing the endeavors to develop the best strategy for companies. In this respect, NET4DC ( is focusing on rural dedicated solutions and preparing cooperation projects in order to synchronize the work realized by different players of ICT4D. Burak ŞimşekBurak Şimşek hat im Jahr 2000 seinen Abschluss als Bachelor of Science in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen an der Bilkent Universität in Ankara erhalten. Anschließend hat er sein Studium zum Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration an der Humbold Universität zu Berlin abgeschlossen. Seit 2002 arbeitete er an einer Vielzahl verschiedener Themen, von der Entwicklung von Geschäftsmodellen bis hin zu neuen Netzwerktechniken. Derzeit arbeitet er am Fraunhofer Instiut FOKUS. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen: